Streams of Light
Starting on 27 Jan
Service Description
Imbue Yourself and Others with Light In the teachings of the curanderos of Mexico, there are 7 streams of light that circulate through our aura. A healthy, vibrant aura has all 7 of the streams in a continuous flow through the aura. Most people are missing one or more streams, while some live only on one stream. When one or more streams are missing or not flowing, certain aspects of your life will dim, spiral downward, or become stale. In this class, you will learn what the seven streams of light are, and how to attract them more powerfully and intensely into your life. You will enter into a journey of self-discovery in relation to each of the seven streams, and discover what is truly important to you. Many things around you act as symbols to identify your movement towards or away from these energy streams. You will discover that there are literally hundreds of symbols given to us by others that we use to represent certain things in our lives which we accept unconsciously. Relationships, meanings, and even our sense of where we are and whether it’s a good place to be are all affected. Selena will help you define a list of personal symbols that serve you best in bringing the streams of light into your life in concentrated abundance, while discarding those that do not. You Will Also Learn The locations of the 34 light nulls in the aura and how to heal them. Ways that energies accumulate in the aura. 3 ways to imbue a stream of light. Application of energy. Key correspondences. Be ready to experience Aha! Moments with these teachings. You will leave this class with more light and energy that you thought possible, radiating within and without. A workbook is provided through weekly summaries to keep you in this newfound state and facilitate your work. This class will take place online with 4 x 2 hour sessions and homework assignments in between the sessions. Last day to enroll: 26 Jan
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