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Matrix Activation

30 minutes feedback session

30 min
598 US dollars
Feedback Session

Service Description

Activate the five matrices that your soul set into place before you were born: soul, karma, destiny, energy, and experience. These matrices connect you into the universal matrices and act to bring your life into alignment with your soul contracts and destiny. A matrix activation lasts anywhere from 5-27 minutes. After the activation, certain soul contracts are activated or completed, illusions dissipate, destiny choices become clearer, vitality increases, and opportunities to move through your current karma more easily and quickly are presented. There are two parts to the matrix activation. In the first part, Selena does the activation for you while you are sleeping during the night (Europe and Asia clients), or while you are awake and resting comfortably for 1/2 hour at a specified time (USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia/NZ, and Central & South America Clients). Following this, you will get on Zoom with Selena for a 1/2 hour feedback session where Selena will relay to you information that came through during your session. No preparation is required for either the activation itself or the feedback session.

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